Battery problem on Powerbook G4

What is "PMU reset" and does it hurt ?
Jean-Guillaume Pyraksos wrote on :

My pb G4/800 has the following problem : when arriving to about 65% (2 hours) it suddently falls down to 0 and I must plug it in. Then the battery charges from 0 to 100%. Must the battery be changed ? What is "PMU reset" and does it hurt ? Thanks,


Tom Harrington replied on :

In article wissme-381E1F.11050509012006@redacted.invalid, Jean-Guillaume Pyraksos wissme@redacted.invalid wrote:

My pb G4/800 has the following problem : when arriving to about 65% (2 hours) it suddently falls down to 0 and I must plug it in. Then the battery charges from 0 to 100%. Must the battery be changed ? What is "PMU reset" and does it hurt ?

Your battery is old and needs to be replaced. The symptoms you describe are common for old, worn-out batteries.

Resetting the PMU (power management unit) won't hurt but is not likely to help. You can find out how to do this on your Mac at