ibook battery status lights

What does it mean when all four lights blink?
Grandpa Koca wrote on :
I've got three ibook batteries, all allegedly fully charged. When you press the status indicator button on battery number 1, the four green lights glow for a short time and go off. When you press the status button on battery number 2, the four lights blink several times and then go off. Same for battery number 3. Battery number 1 will actually give me 4 to 5 hours of run time, while batteries 2 and 3 will only give me 4 to 5 minutes. What does it mean when all four lights blink? I've searched Apple's tech support site and found no clues, and Google searching hasn't come up with anything either. Any hints or do I have a pair of bookends? Thanks.
Gnarlodious replied on :

Happened to my TiBook too. Sounds like the voltage falls off so fast the LEDs are actually doing what they were meant to do. Those batteries are finished.

-- Gnarlie

Entity Grandpa Koca spoke thus:

I've got three ibook batteries, all allegedly fully charged. When you press the status indicator button on battery number 1, the four green lights glow for a short time and go off. When you press the status button on battery number 2, the four lights blink several times and then go off. Same for battery number 3. Battery number 1 will actually give me 4 to 5 hours of run time, while batteries 2 and 3 will only give me 4 to 5 minutes. What does it mean when all four lights blink? I've searched Apple's tech support site and found no clues, and Google searching hasn't come up with anything either. Any hints or do I have a pair of bookends? Thanks.

Ian_ replied on :

Hi, Several things to try; OS X, Turn off the battery status monitor in the menu bar?

10.2 and later, Apple Battery Update, 17Dec03

Zap the PRAM (using the key combo Apple-option-p-r upon startup), then manually check your OS 9 control panels, Airport, AppleTalk, and the Chooser. OS X System Preferences.

Reset the Power Manager (different for each model).

See Apple site, How to Calibrate, http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=86284.


If you havn't installed any firmware updates; (or keep the files handy if you have) Cold start from OS9 CD (if you have that option) into Open Firmware using; Apple-option-o-f immediately after hitting the power on, (before the chime!) and type "reset-nvram", followed by "reset-all". Restart again. You will need to re-set the clock and a few other things... Re-apply the latest firmware updater (if used)

These things may not fix the batteries, but you may get a bit more time from them.

Gnarlodious wrote on 1/9/2004 4:40 am:

Happened to my TiBook too. Sounds like the voltage falls off so fast the LEDs are actually doing what they were meant to do. Those batteries are finished.

-- Gnarlie

Entity Grandpa Koca spoke thus:

I've got three ibook batteries, all allegedly fully charged. When you press the status indicator button on battery number 1, the four green lights glow for a short time and go off. When you press the status button on battery number 2, the four lights blink several times and then go off.

an expensive, but stylish pair of bookends?

HTH, &B-) Ian No Spam, Please reply to newsgroup!