iBook won't sleep

Trace Curry wrote on :

Hi all,

For some reason, my dual-USB iBook with 10.1.(whatever the current number is) all of a sudden will only sleep when I tell it to from the finder menu. Won't sleep on it's own at all, whether I close the lid or just leave it set for a while. Checked the energy saver prefs, everything is ok there. Any ideas?

Thanks, Trace

Andreas Rutishauser replied on :

Salut Trace

Trace Curry wrote:

For some reason, my dual-USB iBook with 10.1.(whatever the current number is) all of a sudden will only sleep when I tell it to from the finder menu. Won't sleep on it's own at all, whether I close the lid or just leave it set for a while. Checked the energy saver prefs, everything is ok there. Any ideas?

sorry, no answers, looking for some too as I have a similar problem with a TiBook 667: won't go to sllep if left open (sleeps well when lid is closed). No Ethernet or USB devices attached, just Airport card.

Cheers Andreas

Total Brandon Live replied on :
put in the car and drive it around till it falls asleep.
Tom Stiller replied on :

In article junkie46-34C076.14440824032002@redacted.invalid, Total Brandon Live junkie46@redacted.invalid wrote:

put in the car and drive it around till it falls asleep.

Or just set it atop a running washing machine.

Trace Curry replied on :

For some reason, my dual-USB iBook with 10.1.(whatever the current number is) all of a sudden will only sleep when I tell it to from the finder menu. Won't sleep on it's own at all, whether I close the lid or just leave it set for a while. Checked the energy saver prefs, everything is ok there. Any ideas?

sorry, no answers, looking for some too as I have a similar problem with a TiBook 667: won't go to sllep if left open (sleeps well when lid is closed). No Ethernet or USB devices attached, just Airport card.

I booted into 9 and still the same problem. Actually it is sleeping when left idle, just not when I close the lid. Must be a mechanical problem--anyone know where the sensor is on this machine that tells it the lid is closed?