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How to Trigger Events When Your Mac is Asleep or Powered Off

Power Manager can power on your Mac to perform scheduled events. Your Mac can be asleep and Power Manager will do its best to power on your Mac to perform your schedule.

Power Manager can power on your Mac to perform scheduled events. Your Mac can be asleep and Power Manager will do its best to power on your Mac to perform your schedule. By default, events created with the Schedule Assistant will wake up your Mac as needed. …


Sending Requests with the Power Manager SDK

You can create tools and utilities that interact with Power Manager. Your software can send Power Manager requests asking for events to be performed, variables to be set, and schedules to be changed.

You can create tools and utilities that interact with Power Manager. Your software can send Power Manager requests asking for events to be performed, variables to be set, and schedules to be changed. Previously, we have seen how to observe and bind to the Power Manager engine. …


Binding with the Power Manager SDK

Binding makes it easy to track changes in the Power Manager engine. Binding is part of Objective-C/Cocoa's Key Value Observation (KVO) methodology, and Power Manager SDK provides full support for this sophisticated ability.

Binding makes it easy to track changes in the Power Manager engine. Binding is part of Objective-C/Cocoa’s Key Value Observation (KVO) methodology, and Power Manager SDK provides full support for this sophisticated ability. Previously we walked through how to bind a piece of user interface to Power Manager. …


Observing with the Power Manager SDK

How can you create an interface that always shows the latest information, but does not require a refresh button? For Objective-C developers the answer is to set up code to observe changes.

How can you create an interface that always shows the latest information, but does not require a refresh button? For Objective-C developers the answer is to set up code to observe changes. The Power Manager SDK includes the DSSWPMObserver object. This Objective-C/Cocoa object is wonderful because it makes writing responsive energy saving tools easy. …


Connecting with the Power Manager SDK

You can create tools and utilities that talk directly to Power Manager using the Software Development Kit (SDK). Connecting to Power Manager from your software is easy and requires only a few lines of code.

You can create tools and utilities that talk directly to Power Manager using the Software Development Kit (SDK). Connecting to Power Manager from your software is easy and requires only a few lines of code. The Power Manager SDK is included as standard with Power Manager. …


How to Set the Volume When Logging In

Chances are, at one time or another, you have raised the volume on your Mac and forgotten to quieten it afterwards. That next alert, bleep, or song played at full volume was unwelcome at best.

Chances are, at one time or another, you have raised the volume on your Mac and forgotten to quieten it afterwards. That next alert, bleep, or song played at full volume was unwelcome at best. In a busy environment, such as a lab or business, being able to ensure the Mac’s volume is set at a reasonable level when a user logs in is essential. …


Shutting Down Your Mac Safely

A few people have recently asked how Power Manager shuts down their Mac. Let's look at the two main shut down methods available and then how Power Manager strikes a balance between these two approaches.

Many of the problems with automatically shutting down your computer come from poorly behaved applications or from applications stalling while they wait for some form of interaction. There are two basic approaches to automatically shutting down your Mac. The first is to issue a shut down AppleEvent. …


How to Shut Down Your Mac After Inactivity

You can make your Mac automatically shut down after a period of inactivity. This ability is not included as standard in Mac OS X; to do this you will need to use Power Manager.

You can make your Mac automatically shut down after a period of inactivity. This ability is not included as standard in Mac OS X; to do this you will need to use Power Manager. Power Manager includes a built-in task that will make your Mac shut down safely after a period of inactivity. …


Scheduling a Mac to Shut Down

Mac OS X includes the ability to put a Mac to sleep at a scheduled time. You can also schedule your Mac to shut down or restart at a specific time on certain days of the week.

Mac OS X includes the ability to put a Mac to sleep at a scheduled time. You can also schedule your Mac to shut down or restart at a specific time on certain days of the week. This ability is included as standard with Mac OS X. …


How to Run a Shell Script When Logging Out

Let's walk through how to schedule a shell script to run after a user logs out of Mac OS X. Our shell script is going to be very simple but you can make yours as complex as needs be.

As a Mac administrator it can be useful to be run a shell script each time a user logs out. This allows a script to clean up temporary files, back up changes, and restore sane defaults for the next user. …
