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Sleep Monitor Recommended by For Mac Eyes Only

Thanks to Eric Erickson, For Mac Eyes Only, for reviewing and recommending Sleep Monitor 3.

Thanks to Eric Erickson, For Mac Eyes Only, for reviewing and recommending Sleep Monitor 3. Eric’s review is detailed and covers Sleep Monitor’s capabilities well. I was pleased to see the AppleScript interface provided an answer for one potential short coming. …


Connecting to Power Manager via the Internet

Power Manager on your Mac can be safely managed via the Internet. Using Power Manager Remote, you can also connect via a mobile/cellular network. Getting the connection up and running requires following a few steps, and this is what we will walk through today.

Power Manager on your Mac can be safely managed via the Internet. Using Power Manager Remote, you can also connect via a mobile/cellular network. Getting the connection up and running requires following a few steps, and this is what we will walk through today. …


How to Perform an Event with AppleScript

Power Manager lets you build events capable of performing complex sequences of actions. Power Manager also lets you schedule these events to occur on specific triggers, such as the time of day or after user inactivity. What if no trigger suits your needs? In this situation, you will want to perform the event yourself.

Power Manager lets you build events capable of performing complex sequences of actions. Power Manager also lets you schedule these events to occur on specific triggers, such as the time of day or after user inactivity. What if no trigger suits your needs? …


How to Turn Off All Event Notifications

Power Manager works hard to ensure users are notified of pending events. These notifications take the form of warning notifications, a count down timer in the menu bar, and full screen alerts as significant events perform. A few are required but most are optional. However, sometimes people want to turn off the optional built-in notifications.

Power Manager works hard to ensure users are notified of pending events. Notifications take the form of warning notifications, a count down timer in the menu bar, and full screen alerts as significant events perform. A few are required but most are optional. …


Happy New Year

Last year, 2011, marked 14 years since I incorporated DssW with John Fancourt. Those years have passed quickly and I am grateful for all those we have had the opportunity to have met, worked with, and helped along the way.

Last year, 2011, marked 14 years since I incorporated DssW with John Fancourt. Those years have passed quickly and I am grateful for all those we have had the opportunity to have met, worked with, and helped along the way. …


How to Turn Off an Event's Notifications

Power Manager automatically notifies the user of pending triggers. These notifications provide an opportunity for users to respond to an event. However, there are situations where notifications are not required, or where notifications get in the way. This recipe shows how to turn off notifications for a single event.

Power Manager automatically notifies the user of pending triggers. These notifications provide an opportunity for users to respond to an event. However, there are situations where notifications are not required, or where notifications get in the way. This recipe shows how to turn off notifications for a single event. …


Sleep Monitor Lite - Personal Mac Power Monitoring

We are pleased to announce Sleep Monitor Lite for Mac OS X. Sleep Monitor Lite builds a time line of how your Mac is using energy. Battery and power information is collected over months to create a detailed insight into how the energy is spent.

We are pleased to announce Sleep Monitor Lite for Mac OS X. Sleep Monitor Lite builds a time line of how your Mac is using energy. Battery and power information is collected over months to create a detailed insight into how the energy is spent. …


How to Make Your Mac Sleep

This article shows how to put your Mac to sleep using a variety of methods. We will walk through how to make your Mac sleep using AppleScript, Automator, and the command line.

This article shows how to put your Mac to sleep using a variety of methods. We will walk through how to make your Mac sleep using AppleScript, Automator, and the command line. Sleep via AppleScript You can ask the application Finder to put the Mac to sleep on your behalf. …


Sleep Monitor 3 Released - Long Term Power Monitoring for Mac OS X

We are pleased to announce the launch of Sleep Monitor 3 for Mac OS X. Sleep Monitor gathers information over days, weeks, and months to build a complete picture of your Mac's energy use.

We are pleased to announce the launch of Sleep Monitor 3 for Mac OS X. Sleep Monitor gathers information over days, weeks, and months to build a complete picture of your Mac’s energy use. Sleep Monitor 3 has been modernised to take advantage of the latest Mac OS X technologies. …


Activity Audit on the Mac App Store

Activity Audit v1.1.1 is now available on the Mac App Store. Activity Audit creates a calendar showing when you use your Mac and what applications you run. This new version of Activity Audit introduces iCloud calendar support and support for other non-local auditing calendars.

Activity Audit v1.1.1 is now available on the Mac App Store. Activity Audit creates a calendar showing when you use your Mac and what applications you run. This new version of Activity Audit introduces iCloud calendar support and support for other cloud based calendars. …
