News and Updates
DssW's latest news and information. Announcements, insights, and guides all appear here first.
Power Manager 3.6.1 released
Today we released Power Manager 3.6.1. It is free upgrade for existing users and recommended to all.
Today we released Power Manager 3.6.1. It is free upgrade for existing users and recommended to all. This release includes just one change from v3.6 — a bug fix for inactivity triggered events. …
Launch Traditions: Let them eat cake
With every launch we celebrate with a slice of chocolate cake. It has been a long running tradition and something my partner and I look forward to. As launches have become more important and the associated products reach greater numbers, this little treat remains a nice way keeping our feet on the ground. …
Web front-end for Power Manager
For those that can not wait, below is a Perl CGI snippet that displays your pending events in a web page. Not pretty but functional; adding CSS and formatting is easy and left as an exercise.
So far, Power Manager does not have a web base interface. In today’s world of Web 2.0 this is clearly a must — even for our software. :-) …
Response to Joseph Crawford
A new commenter was Joseph Crawford. Regrettably not the most positive response. Joseph made a number of factual errors and oversights that I would like to address.
With yesterday’s launch of Power Manager 3.6 behind us, the wait begins for feedback and comments. This launch was the first time we used PRMac alongside our normal press release distributors. PRMac appears to have widened our immediate audience. …
Power Manager 3.6 launched
Today we launched Power Manager 3.6. It is a free upgrade for existing users and recommended to all. This new version includes lots of little tweaks and polish. I also took the opportunity to refine our AppleScript support; something I am increasingly pleased with. …
Sleep Centre just got bigger
Part of this font shrinking behaviour is historic but changing that behaviour will not be easy. Regrettably there is a strong argument that will hamper Seth's message for web designers, Google Adsense.
Every few days Sleep Centre’s content is expanded with newly archived conversations. Last week was a little different because we also reduced Sleep Centre’s clutter and increased its readability. Sleep Centre attracts Mac users having problems with batteries, power management, and other energy woes. To that extent it does well — thousands of visitors every month discover an answer and DssW for the first time. …
Power Manager 3.5.0: Demonstration expiry bug
Power Manager 3.5.0 has a demonstration expiry bug. In some situations a schedule can continue to operate even after the demonstration period has passed. Any scheduled events left in place can not be modified. …
Power Manager 3 Administrator Guide
Yesterday we published the first edition of Power Manager 3’s Administrator Guide. The guide helps system administrators and technical Mac users learn more about distributing and managing Power Manager. Power Manager is distributed as an Apple Installer meta-package; a meta-package is collection of sub-packages. The relationships between sub-packages and the features provided by each is important to administrators planning a large scale deployment. …
Wake Assist 1.0 - Fixing your Mac's wake up
Today we launched DssW Wake Assist 1.0; it is a one trick tool for helping users with a stuck-until-clicked wake bug on Mac OS X. …
AppleScripting monthly events in Power Manager
I recently had the chance to write an AppleScript for a Power Manager user. Harvey wanted to schedule a monthly event; a task Power Manager could not do straight out of the installer.
I recently had the chance to write an AppleScript for a Power Manager user. Harvey wanted to schedule a monthly event; a task Power Manager could not do straight out of the installer. …