News and Updates

DssW's latest news and information. Announcements, insights, and guides all appear here first.

Power Manager 4.6.0 Released

Announcing the launch of Power Manager and Power Manager Professional 4.6 for Mac.

We are pleased to announce the launch of Power Manager and Power Manager Pro 4.6. This significant update introduces new Schedule Assistant tasks, Dark Mode support, and numerous refinements. We have also continued to work on the internal scheduling engine to ensure it remains modern and efficient. …


How to Automatically and Quietly Shut Down a Mac

Learn how to automatically shut down a Mac quietly without notifications.

Power Manager can automatically shut down a Mac. The default approach is to provide the user with plenty of notification and warning beforehand. Sometimes these warnings are not desirable. In this recipe, we will walk through how to automatically shut down a Mac without forewarning. …


How to Run a Script Before an Inactivity Triggered Log Out

Learn how to run a script just before automatically logging out an inactive Mac.

Power Manager can automatically log out an inactive Mac. The approach is predictable and unaffected by applications attempting to block or interrupt the log out with last minute dialogs. We have previously walked through how to create an inactivity triggered log out event. We have also looked at how to add a warning prior to the log out. …


Power Manager 4.5.4 Released

Announcing the launch of Power Manager and Power Manager Professional 4.5.4 for OS X and macOS.

Today we released Power Manager and Power Manager Pro 4.5.4. This update fixes a bug affecting the macOS 10.12 beta releases and includes updates to third party libraries. Updating Power Manager Power Manager will automatically check for updates every so often, so there is nothing to do. The update will automatically be offered to you during the next few weeks. …


How to Show an Inactivity Warning

Learn how to show a warning before an inactivity triggered event occurs.

Inactivity triggered events are frequently used to automatically log out or shut down Macs left unused or idle. This is great for public computers and Macs in academic environments such as labs. In this recipe, we learn how to warn users well before the log out. …


How to Trigger an Event with the Power Manager Application

Learn how to trigger an on-demand event from the macOS Power Manager application.

On-demand events can be triggered manually. In this recipe we show how to do this using the Power Manager application on macOS. To be able to perform or trigger on-demand, an event needs to have the on-demand behaviour enabled. This is a per-event setting. We walk through enabling and disabling this setting in the recipe How to Add On-Demand Behaviour to an Event. …


How to Add On-Demand Behaviour to an Event

Learn how to add on-demand behaviour to your Power Manager events. On-demand allows you to perform events manually, at any time.

Power Manager events are typically performed when a specific trigger is detected. The range of available triggers is large and often extended in our free updates, but sometimes it is useful to be able to trigger your events manually. …


Signed for macOS 10.12 Sierra

Preparing for macOS 10.12, all our disk images are now signed. Learn about DssW software and macOS 10.12, Sierra.

Last week at WWDC, Apple announced that it is now possible to digitally sign disk images. From today, all DssW disk images have been signed. As part of our preparations for macOS 10.12, Sierra, we have digitally signed all our disk images. Disk images are the files that you download from DssW. Signing these files ensures that what you get, is the file we provided. If the file is corrupted or altered in some way, the digital signature will be invalid and macOS will notify you. …


Preparing for macOS 10.12 Sierra

We will be supporting macOS 10.12. Learn about DssW software and macOS 10.12, Sierra.

We will be supporting macOS 10.12, the successor to OS X 10.11. As with previous major updates to the Mac operating system, we are working with the developer previews and preparing updates where needed. …


Power Manager 4.5.3 Released

Announcing the launch of Power Manager and Power Manager Professional 4.5.3 for OS X.

Today we released Power Manager and Power Manager Pro 4.5.3. This update fixes a bug affecting Gatekeeper. Updating Power Manager Power Manager will automatically check for updates every so often, so there is nothing to do. The update will automatically be offered to you during the next few weeks. …
