This the latest guide for Power Manager v5.10.9.
Legacy guides: v1 v2 v3 v4

Power Manager Guide

This guide contains information about how to use DssW Power Manager. The guide has been written firstly for users, with additional sections for administrators and developers.

The guide introduces Power Manager and shows how events and schedules are created. This is recommended reading to better understand how Power Manager works.

We assume you have some working knowledge of the macOS operating system and its conventions. For help with the operating system, please see your macOS documentation.

Hardware and Software Requirements

To use Power Manager, you need the following hardware and software:

Available features depend on your hardware and the version of macOS you are using.

macOS Previews and Beta Versions

We do not recommend running macOS previews or beta versions.

We do not actively support pre-release editions of macOS. We recommend that you wait for Apple to release the final version of macOS. Ideally, we suggest waiting for the first minor update to the latest macOS.
