
socket Structure: A description of a TCP/IP socket.

socket structure
unique ID unique ID
interface string: default
port port
protocol family protocol family
time out time out: optional
service string: optional
SSL SSL: optional
Bonjour domains array of string: optional, unique
options array of socket options: optional, unique
URLs array of string: optional, unique


unique ID

Unique identifier.

unique ID must be unique within the immediate set of sockets. unique ID is used to identify a specific socket within a set and for reporting.


Bind to which interface (hostname).

interface is the hostname or IP address the socket binds to. An IP address is preferred as it avoids a domain name lookup. interface format must correspond to the protocol family.

  • To bind to the localhost with IPv4 use: ''
  • To bind to the localhost with IPv6 use: '::1'

Sockets can bind to all available interfaces by setting Interface to an empty string.


port to accept incoming connections on.

protocol family

Network protocol to use.

To listen to both IPv4 and IPv6, create two sockets with a common port but listening to different protocols.

time out

Seconds of silence before a connection times out.

time out is the number of seconds a silent connection should wait before automatically disconnecting. A period of silence occurs when no information is being sent or received.


PAM service.


SSL configuration.

Bonjour domains

Bonjour domains.

Bonjour domains enumerates the domains in which services are published. A socket may be published in multiple domains. Where no domains are listed, the default domains are used. Where an empty list is used, Bonjour is disabled. Bonjour is also known as ZeroConf.


Socket options.


URL to connect to this socket.


State of the socket.