source Structure: A description of a source.
source structure
unique ID
unique IDURL
string: optional, defaultoptions
URL options: optionalstate
source statefetched
date: optionalnext
date: optionalFields
unique ID
Unique identifier.
unique ID must be unique within the immediate set of source. unique ID is used to identify a specific source within a set and for reporting.
URL of source.
Absolute URL to source. URL is used to fetch the source's configuration.
Notes about this source.
notes is provided to hold information about the source. notes should be used to describe why the source is listed, who manages it, and how to contact that person in case of problems.
Source URL specific options.
State of the source.
Date of last successful fetch.
Date and time of the last successful fetch of this source. If the source has not been successfully fetched, fetched will be excluded.
Date of next fetch attempt.
Earliest date and time of the next fetch attempt. The source should be enqueued for fetching at this date, but fetching can occur later. next will not be included if the source has been suspended or has encountered problems during previous attempts.