This is a legacy guide for Power Manager v1, published 1997 – 2001, and is provided for reference only.
The latest guide is for Power Manager v5.10.8.

Power Manager – Notification

Before performing a scheduled shut down the Macintosh can inform the user about what is about to occur. At this time the user can dismiss the notification, cancel the scheduled shut down or delay the shut down by one hour.

The Notification module enables you to configure the notification method and timing as well as sleep and wake up preferences.

Power Manager - Notification Screen Shot

(a) Play a Sound on Wake Up

Mark this check box to play a sound when waking up from sleep mode.

When in sleep mode the Macintosh may not display any sight that it is switched on. Waking up the Macintosh can take approximately 20 seconds. During this time the display may remain dimmed. To inform you the Macintosh is waking up an optional sound can be played.

(b) Sound to Play On Wake Up

Select the optional sound to play during wake up.

(c) Mute Sounds While Asleep

When this check box is marked the Macintosh will not play any sounds while it is in sleep more. To play sounds when in sleep more leave this check box unmarked.

(d) Notify On Shut Down

When this check box is marked the Macintosh will notify you before it performs a scheduled shut down. Options (e), (f), (g) and (h) control the form of the notification. To surpress any notification leave this check box unmarked. |

(e) Display a Text Message

If this check box is marked then a dialog box will be displayed with a text message before each scheduled shut down. If this check box is not marked then no dialog box is displayed.

This dialog box allows for three courses of action:

  1. Continue within the scheduled shut down. This is the default action, no user interaction is needed for this option.
  2. Delay the shut down by an hour.
  3. Cancel the shut down.

(f) Display a Blinking Icon in the Menu Bar

If this check box is marked then a flashing icon is presented in the menu bar shortly before a scheduled shut down.

(g) Play a Sound

If this check box is marked then a sound is played shortly before a scheduled shut down.

(h) Sound to Play Before a Scheduled Shut Down

Select the optional sound to play before a scheduled shut down.