This is a legacy guide for Power Manager v1, published 1997 – 2001, and is provided for reference only.
The latest guide is for Power Manager v5.10.8.

Power Manager – Ordering

To convert the trial edition of Power Manager into the fully licenced edition requires a licence number.

You must purchase a licence for each computer Power Manager is to be run on. You can order licences here.

To enable the full edition of Power Manager enter the details supplied with your licence into the Licensing dialog box. The licensing information is case sensitive and must be entered exactly as is on the licence.

If you have any queries about licensing Power Manager contact us at

Licensing Dialog

Secure Purchasing System

All DssW products contain the Secure Purchasing System (SPS). SPS allows you to send orders direct to DssW via the Internet, fax or by post.

SPS is a six step ordering system. To use SPS follow the on screen instructions and complete the various data fields as they are presented. Once you have finished constructing the order SPS will present a summary for your review. Only when you have confirmed the summary is correct will an order be generated.

SPS uses strong cryptographic algorithms to ensure that at no time is your personal data transmitted or stored on the Internet in an unencoded form.

Secure Purchasing System