This is a legacy guide for Power Manager v1, published 1997 – 2001, and is provided for reference only.
The latest guide is for Power Manager v5.10.8.

Power Manager – Sleep Timings

The Sleep Timings module enables you to accurately control when the Macintosh enters energy saving sleep mode. Sleep mode is an energy saving state. Restoring from sleep mode is faster than restarting from a shut down.

Power Manager - Sleep Timings Screen Shot

(a) Systems Sleeps After

The Macintosh can be placed into sleep mode after a specific period of idle time has passed. If this check box is marked then Power Manager will configure Energy Saver to enter sleep mode after (b) minutes of idle time.

(b) Minutes before System Sleep

This slider controls the number of minutes of idle time required before the System sleeps.

(c) Shut Down / Sleep

If this check box is marked then Power Manager will configure Energy Saver to shut down the Macintosh when ever it would normally enter sleep mode.

NB Use this option with care! If there is an operator using the Macintosh then this may cause undue concern as there is no warning before shutting down!

(d) Separate Timing For Display

(f) Separate Timing For Hard Drive

The Macintosh can stagger when each element enters sleep mode. Using the two separate timings your Macintosh can be configured to suite your needs better. For example:

The individual times for each element are controlled by the sliders (e) and (g).

(h) Never Spin Down Hard Drive

If this check box is marked then the hard drive will never spin down. Note when this check box is enabled the Separate Timing for Hard Drive (f) and (g) are disabled.

NB This option is particularly useful for servers. Accessing a hard drive that has been spun down will incur a few seconds lag as the drive spins back up.