This is a legacy guide for Power Manager v3, published 2005 – 2010, and is provided for reference only.
The latest guide is for Power Manager v5.10.8.

Logging and Debugging Power Manager

Power Manager provides logging support through syslog.

Through syslog, Power Manager’s daemon process, powermanagerd, provides a detailed log of:

Details of API events are provided as parseable Perl variables.

The following API log entry shows a event cancel request, with an OK (status 200) response.

API: {"Parameter"=>"8CA5ACFC-628B-48A8-9C98-4C7164944150","Authorization"=>"32 bytes of data","Request"=>"notifications.cancel"} > {"status"=>200}

The following API log entry shows a request for all pending events, and the list of events returned.

API: {"Authorization"=>"32 bytes of data","Request"=>"notifications.pending"} > {"status"=>200,"response"=>[{"trigger"=>{"date"=>"2007 12 18 05:00:00","type"=>"once"},"name"=>"Early morning swim","uniqueid"=>"D7FE179D-7729-4413-87A1-C32083017290","metadatatriggerdate"=>"2007 12 18 05:00:00","enabled"=>1,"action"=>{"type"=>"start up or wake"}},{"trigger"=>{"date"=>"2007 12 18 10:15:00","type"=>"once"},"name"=>"Break","uniqueid"=>"EEF9E674-D63F-45AA-90B1-84F0FD8EFBC3","metadatatriggerdate"=>"2007 12 18 10:15:00","enabled"=>1,"action"=>{"type"=>"sleep"}},{"trigger"=>{"date"=>"2007 12 18 10:25:00","type"=>"once"},"name"=>"End of break","uniqueid"=>"8778CB1A-3F1A-4CE5-A929-84EA8200690B","metadatatriggerdate"=>"2007 12 18 10:25:00","enabled"=>1,"action"=>{"type"=>"wake"}}]}

Enable Logging

Add the following line to your /etc/syslog.conf file.

daemon.debug    				/var/log/daemon.log

You need to reinitialise the syslogd process with a HUP signal after changing the syslog.conf file, or restart your computer.

Use the application to monitor the daemon.log file.

Disable Logging

Remove or comment out the following line from your /etc/syslog.conf file.

daemon.debug    				/var/log/daemon.log

You need to reinitialise the syslogd process with a HUP signal after changing the syslog.conf file, or restart your computer.

Use the application to monitor the daemon.log file.