This is a legacy guide for Power Manager v3, published 2005 – 2010, and is provided for reference only.
The latest guide is for Power Manager v5.10.8.

Package - Power Manager System Preference

The system preference provides a graphical interface for scheduling events.

The Power Manager System Preference package is recommended but not required.


Mac OS X 10.4 or later is required for this package.

Files Installed

Files Created During Installation

The post installation script installs additional non-essential files.

/Library/PreferencePanes/Power Manager.prefPane

The adminAssistant provides a limited set of root level tasks for the System Preference. These tasks include launching the daemon and toggling the security rights for non-administrator users.

If adminAssistant is not installed, or is removed, the System Preference will replace it within the active user’s Library; an administrator password will be requested before adminAssistant is replaced.

Power Manager’s System Preference can be installed within a user’s Library/PreferencePanes to limit the interface to a single user.



This package does not use a preparation script.

Post Installation

The post installation script performs four tasks:

The Help Book link is created to overcome a limitation in the System Preferences. The Help Book should appear automatically and instantly when included in an installed Preference Pane; this is not the case.

# Part of DssW Power Manager
# Copyright (c) 2006 Dragon Systems Software Limited
# Support:
# This script completes the installation process by copying Mac OS X version
# dependent files and setting up permissions.
# Copy the adminAssistant and mark sticky to avoid first run password request
if [ -e "$3/Library/PreferencePanes/Power Manager.prefPane/Contents/MacOS/adminAssistant" ]; then
    mkdir -p "/Library/Application Support/Power Manager/"
    cp "$3/Library/PreferencePanes/Power Manager.prefPane/Contents/MacOS/adminAssistant" "$3/Library/Application Support/Power Manager/"
    # Change permissions and owner:
    #     -r-sr-xr-x root wheel adminAssistant
    chown root:wheel "$3/Library/Application Support/Power Manager/adminAssistant"
    chmod 4555 "$3/Library/Application Support/Power Manager/adminAssistant"
    # adminAssistant is secured by authentication services at runtime
    echo "Copied adminAssistant to /Library/Application Support/Power Manager/"
# Link in the help book; overcomes System Preferences weakness
if [ ! -e "$3/Library/Documentation/Help/Power Manager Help" ]; then
    cd "$3/Library/Documentation/Help"
    ln -s "$3/Library/PreferencePanes/Power Manager.prefPane/Contents/Resources/Power Manager Help" .