This is a legacy guide for Power Manager v3, published 2005 – 2010, and is provided for reference only.
The latest guide is for Power Manager v5.10.8.

About Power Manager


After buying a licence you will need to enter your details and code. This button displays a window for you to license Power Manager.

This button is not visible on a licensed copy of Power Manager.

powermanagerctl build.setlicence

AppleScript ’tell build to setlicence'

Check Now

Power Manager can check for new versions and updates of itself. Clicking this button fetches a file of current version information from the DssW web site. Your version is then compared with the current version. If they differ, you will be given the chance to download the latest version.

No personal or identifying information is sent with the version check request.


The OK button closes the About Power Manager view and returns you to the main list of events.


Click on the help button to open the built-in help guide.