This is a legacy guide for Power Manager v3, published 2005 – 2010, and is provided for reference only.
The latest guide is for Power Manager v5.10.8.

Automating Power Manager

Power Manager can be automated on all three layers of Mac OS X: Automator, AppleScript, and UNIX command line.

AppleScript and UNIX command line scripting offer the full capabilities of Power Manager. Automator support provides a subset of the full capabilities.


Automator support is provided through a collection of Automator actions installed as part of Power Manager.

Open Automator and select Power Manager to get started.


AppleScript support is provided through the Power Manager Scripting application.

Power Manager Scripting is an invisible application that launches as needed to support a running AppleScript.

/usr/local/powermanager/bin/Power Manager Scripting

To learn more about AppleScript in Power Manager, open the dictionary of Power Manager Scripting using Script Editor.


UNIX command line scripting support is provided by powermanagerctl.

A complete list of supported commands is available by running powermanagerctl with the -r flag.

/usr/local/powermanager/bin/powermanagerctl -r