This is a legacy guide for Power Manager v4, published 2010 – 2019, and is provided for reference only.
The latest guide is for Power Manager v5.10.7.


Installers bring all your Power Manager resources together into one bundle. We recommend creating installers even if you do not intend to create an Installer package for distribution.

An installer can be used in two ways:

To create an Apple Installer application ready installer package. In one click, you can create an installer package (.mpkg) embedded within a compressed disk image (.dmg). The resulting image can be distributed by e-mail, over a network, or through physical media such as a disc. The installer is self contained and does not need a network connection to work.

To bundle up a choice of schedule, licence group, and set up options for distribution over the network. Professional can take your installer and distribute the contents over the network to any Power Manager enabled Mac you are connected to.

Ready for Distribution

The installer package can be distributed using any modern Mac administration and management tool.

Professional builds Apple Installer packages according to Apple’s Software Distribution Guidelines. The installer package created is based on the standard Power Manager installer. This package is documented in the Power Manager: Administrator guide.

Procedure 4.16. Create an Installer

Procedure 4.17. Build an Installer Package

  1. Select the installer to build.
  2. Enable (check) the I agree to the distribution terms and condition checkbox.
  3. Click the Build Installer… button.

Procedure 4.18. Delete an Installer

  1. Select the installer to remove.
  2. Select the menu item: Edit > Delete.