This is a legacy guide for Power Manager v4, published 2010 – 2019, and is provided for reference only.
The latest guide is for Power Manager v5.10.8.

Discovering Your Mac

With remote management enabled, Power Manager will be available to access through your local network. Your iOS device and Mac must be connected to the same network to see each other. Typically, this network will be a Wi-Fi network.

Power Manager supports connections via the Internet and across large organisational networks. Power Manager also supports connections over the cellular/mobile network in addition to Wi-Fi.

When you first launch Remote, you will be shown a Computers view. The Computers view shows you all the available and known Macs running Power Manager on your network.

Figure 1.2. Compters Browser - Searching

Compters Browser - Searching

Remote uses Bonjour to search for local Macs.

If your Mac is powered on and has remote management enabled, you will see your Mac listed in the Computers view in the Bonjour section.

Figure 1.3. Compters Browser - Found

Compters Browser - Found

Macs running Power Manager appear automatically.

The Bonjour section of Computers view is live. The Macs listed will appear and disappear as they become available or are powered off. Bonjour is the name of a technology that helps you avoid dealing with internet protocol (IP) addresses and universal resource locations (URLs).