This is a legacy guide for Power Manager v4, published 2010 – 2019, and is provided for reference only.
The latest guide is for Power Manager v5.10.9.

Performing Events

Power Manager starts performing your events once they are triggered. Before an event’s actions can be performed, any criteria must be evaluated. Only if the criteria is met, will the actions be performed.

Some events can be triggered on demand. The Schedule Assistant’s tasks include a number of events that support this behaviour. This behaviour is often in addition to other triggers, such as inactivity triggers.

An event is not required to have any triggers and for some tasks being triggered on demand is enough.

On Demand Events

An event can be marked as supporting on demand behaviour. If this behaviour is present, Power Manager will allow you to trigger the event manually.

Marking an event with a specific behaviour is the job of the event creator. Power Manager’s Schedule Assistant automatically marks some of its workflow based events as on demand.

On demand events are listed in the Power Manager status menu. They can be triggered by selecting the desired event.

Power Manager status menu > On Demand Event

On demand is just one behaviour that Power Manager supports. For a complete list of event behaviours and to learn more about creating events, see the Power Manager Developer documentation.