
Every purchase from DssW is protected by our 30 day refund policy.

Here to Help

We are sorry to learn you want a refund. Let us know why, and if we can fix the problem, we will.

In addition to our easy refund protection, most DssW products include free demonstration periods. You can try before you buy.

Getting a Refund

To request a refund for your purchase, please contact within 30 days of your original purchase. Please include details of your purchase and your DssW or PayPal reference number.

Your refund will be returned through the original payment processor, in most cases this will be via PayPal.

Mac App Store

Purchases from the Mac App Store are not covered by our 30 day refund policy. You must contact Apple for the terms of sale and refund policy for all Mac App Store purchases - iTunes Store Terms and Conditions.