system.privilege.taskport - Overview of the macOS Authorization Right

macOS 10.9 / 10.10 / 10.11 / 10.12 / 10.13 / 10.14

  'allow-root' : 'false',
  'authenticate-user' : 'true',
  'class' : 'user',
  'comment' : 'Used by task_for_pid(...).
		Task_for_pid is called by programs requesting full control over another program
		for things like debugging or performance analysis. This authorization only applies
		if the requesting and target programs are run by the same user; it will never
		authorize access to the program of another user.  WARNING: administrators are advised not to modify this right.',
  'group' : '_developer',
  'session-owner' : 'false',
  'shared' : 'true',
  'timeout' : '36000',
  'tries' : '10000'

macOS 10.6

  'allow-root' : 'false',
  'class' : 'user',
  'comment' : 'Used by task_for_pid(...).
		Task_for_pid is called by programs requesting full control over another program
		for things like debugging or performance analysis. This authorization only applies
		if the requesting and target programs are run by the same user; it will never
		authorize access to the program of another user.  WARNING: administrators are advised not to modify this right.',
  'group' : '_developer',
  'shared' : 'true',
  'timeout' : '36000'

macOS 10.7 / 10.8

  'allow-root' : 'false',
  'class' : 'user',
  'comment' : 'Used by task_for_pid(...).
		Task_for_pid is called by programs requesting full control over another program
		for things like debugging or performance analysis. This authorization only applies
		if the requesting and target programs are run by the same user; it will never
		authorize access to the program of another user.  WARNING: administrators are advised not to modify this right.',
  'default-button' : {
    'ar' : 'التحكم',
    'ca' : 'Prendre el control',
    'cs' : 'Převzít kontrolu',
    'da' : 'Overtag kontrol',
    'de' : 'Steuerung übernehmen',
    'el' : 'Ανάληψη ελέγχου',
    'en' : 'Take Control',
    'es' : 'Controlar',
    'fi' : 'Ota hallintaan',
    'fr' : 'Prendre le contrôle',
    'he' : 'השתלט',
    'hr' : 'Preuzmi kontrolu',
    'hu' : 'Vezérlés átvétele',
    'it' : 'Prendi il controllo',
    'ja' : '制御',
    'ko' : '제어하기',
    'nb' : 'Ta kontroll',
    'nl' : 'Beheer',
    'pl' : 'Przejmij kontrolę',
    'pt' : 'Recuperar Controle',
    'pt-PT' : 'Recuperar controlo',
    'ro' : 'Preia controlul',
    'ru' : 'Управлять',
    'sk' : 'Prevziať kontrolu',
    'sv' : 'Ta kontroll',
    'th' : 'ควบคุม',
    'tr' : 'Yönetimi Ele Geçir',
    'uk' : 'Отримати контроль',
    'zh-Hans' : '控制',
    'zh-Hant' : '控制'
  'default-prompt' : {
    'ar' : 'يحاول __APPNAME__ أن يسيطر على عملية أخرى.',
    'ca' : '__APPNAME__ està intentant prendre el control d’un altre procés.',
    'cs' : '__APPNAME__ se pokouší převzít kontrolu nad jiným procesem.',
    'da' : '__APPNAME__ forsøger at overtage kontrollen af en anden proces.',
    'de' : '__APPNAME__ versucht, die Steuerung eines anderen Vorgangs zu übernehmen.',
    'el' : 'Η εφαρμογή __APPNAME__ προσπαθεί να λάβει τον έλεγχο άλλης διεργασίας.',
    'en' : '__APPNAME__ is trying to take control of another process.',
    'es' : '__APPNAME__ está intentando controlar otro proceso.',
    'fi' : '__APPNAME__ yrittää ottaa hallintaan toista prosessia.',
    'fr' : '__APPNAME__ essaye de prendre le contrôle d’un autre processus.',
    'he' : '״ __APPNAME__״ מבקש להשתלט על תהליך אחר.',
    'hr' : '__APPNAME__ pokušava preuzeti kontrolu nad drugim procesom.',
    'hu' : 'A(z) __APPNAME__ megpróbálja átvenni egy másik folyamat vezérlését.',
    'it' : '__APPNAME__ sta cercando di prendere il controllo di un altro processo.',
    'ja' : '__APPNAME__ は、ほかのプロセスを制御しようとしています。',
    'ko' : '__APPNAME__이(가) 다른 프로세스를 제어하려고 합니다.',
    'nb' : '__APPNAME__ prøver å styre en annen prosess.',
    'nl' : '__APPNAME__ probeert het beheer van een ander proces over te nemen.',
    'pl' : '__APPNAME__ próbuje przejąć kontrolę nad innym procesem.',
    'pt' : '__APPNAME__ está tentando assumir o controle de outro processo.',
    'pt-PT' : 'O __APPNAME__ está a tentar controlar outro processo.',
    'ro' : '__APPNAME__ încearcă să preia controlul unui alt proces.',
    'ru' : 'Программа «__APPNAME__» пытается взять под контроль другой процесс.',
    'sk' : '__APPNAME__ sa pokúša prevziať kontrolu nad iným procesom.',
    'sv' : '__APPNAME__ försöker ta kontroll över en annan process.',
    'th' : '__APPNAME__ กำลังพยายามเข้าควบคุมการดำเนินการอื่น',
    'tr' : '__APPNAME__, başka bir işlemin yönetimini ele geçirmeye çalışıyor.',
    'uk' : 'Програма «__APPNAME__» намагається отримати контроль над іншим процесом.',
    'zh-Hans' : '“__APPNAME__”正试图控制另一进程。',
    'zh-Hant' : '“__APPNAME__”正在嘗試控制另一個程序。'
  'group' : '_developer',
  'shared' : 'true',
  'timeout' : '36000'