Sleep Centre
12v power supply
15" powerbook g4 500mHZ will not charge and will not run without a battery
15" powerbook g4 500mHZ will not charge and will not run without a battery
2 day old powerbook with adapter problem
3rd Party Battery -- could it cause a PB to run hot? Adapter failure?
AC Power On with desktop mac to sleep
Adapter light stays orange.
adapter to get iPod video connected to my car ipod charger with male firewire plug on end?
alternate AC plugs for powerbook
Am I having battery problems.
Auto power for PowerBook G4?
battery life time of MacBook
Best way to extend powerbook on long plane trip?
Charge indicator light on AC adapter cord
Cheapest source for ac adaptor for g4 1gig titanium?
G4 12 inch powerbook battery brand new probs
G4 Powerbook Power Adapter
iBook battery/charger issue
ibook battery not charging
iBook charging woes
iBook not charging
iBook (OS X) asks for password twice after waking
Icebook power adapter cord?
ipod charging problem
iPod showing wall charger picture
iPod USB Charger Voltage
Is the iPod usable while charging?
leaving to the uk!
Lombard powerup problems
Macbook not recognizing battery
monitor dying or PRAM battery?
Monitoring/logging 110V power outages?
Options Dead M7332 45W power adapter
PB charger stops working
PB charger stops working
PB Ti when on Battery Power
PB Ti won't wake?
Pismo power adapter
plug from ibook/pismo to yo-yo adapter
PoerBook AC Adapter
Power Adapter Class Action Lawsuit
Powerbook 3400 won't keep PRAM settings
PowerBook Adapter Battery issues
Powerbook battery question
Powerbook battery won't charge
Powerbook noisier on AC adapter
Powerbook power adapter pin-out
Powerbook power adapter pin-out
PowerBook won't wake up
reliable ipod car chargers?
Sleep operation
Smaller MacBook Pro PSU
Soft Power Port For Video ????
strange battery problem
Sudden death of an iBook battery after HD replacement
tangerine iBook AC Power Problem solved
Third-party G3 iBook power supply (AC adapter) OK?
Ti400 shocks on charging
TiBook runs only off the battery
TiBook runs only off the battery
TiPB (800 mhz) battery suddenly missing :(
USB hub powered by FireWire port?
What's the usual charge time 0->100% for a Lombard ?
Where can I buy Apple adapters for use in Europe for the Ipod and Ibook?? Thanks.
Yo yo input voltage