Adaptec SCSI cards for G4 & no 'deep sleep' in OS X

Michael Hopkins wrote on :

Hi all

Since installing OS X.1, my dual G4 will no longer go into 'deep sleep' with the Adaptec 2906 SCSI card onboard. I have chased Adaptec, but all they could say was 'do you have the latest driver' (1.0.2) which I did. Then when pushed, they admitted this was a known problem and in fact it is even in the readme file with the driver.

I don't believe that the 2906 is the only card affected & the impression I got from Adaptec was that they don't have any plans to deal with this issue in the near future.

So... let's MAKE them do it. Anyone with an Adaptec SCSI card that is having this problem (all G4 OS X users I think - so a lot of people) should write and demand that the driver is updated to behave properly. prodkey=AVA-2906 cat=/Technology&prodkey=Contact_Support&source=menu

"The squeaky wheel gets the oil" - so let's get squeaky!

Mike Hopkins


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  `All models are wrong, but some are useful' - George Box
Clive Sweeting replied on :

On Mon, 29 Oct 2001 11:24:25 +0000, Michael Hopkins wrote (in message 3BDD3C69.C6E42F29@redacted.invalid):

I don't believe that the 2906 is the only card affected & the impression I got from Adaptec was that they don't have any plans to deal with this issue in the near future.

I wouldn't get that excited. The 2906 has had this problem with OS9 and above. They'll get a fix out eventually, however annoying it is.... Just set it not to sleep, but to spin down the disks and HD. Every time a new G4 comes out Adaptec have this problem (the Quicksilver OS9.2.1 fix is just out)

Jaco Schoonen replied on :

I don't believe that the 2906 is the only card affected & the impression I got from Adaptec was that they don't have any plans to deal with this issue in the near future.

I wouldn't get that excited. The 2906 has had this problem with OS9 and above.

My 2906 sleeps like a dream under OS9 with the 1.3 driver.

They'll get a fix out eventually, however annoying it is.... Just set it not to sleep, but to spin down the disks and HD. Every time a new G4 comes out Adaptec have this problem (the Quicksilver OS9.2.1 fix is just out)

I hope they hurry, since it's the main reason why I'm not using 10.1 full-time yet. And to replace my 1 year old cd-writer and (expensive) scanner just seems like a terrible waste...

MikeT replied on :

In article 3BE7D7FD.D4454E14@redacted.invalid, Jaco Schoonen nobody@redacted.invalid wrote:

I don't believe that the 2906 is the only card affected & the impression I got from Adaptec was that they don't have any plans to deal with this issue in the near future.

I wouldn't get that excited. The 2906 has had this problem with OS9 and above.

My 2906 sleeps like a dream under OS9 with the 1.3 driver.

They'll get a fix out eventually, however annoying it is.... Just set it not to sleep, but to spin down the disks and HD. Every time a new G4 comes out Adaptec have this problem (the Quicksilver OS9.2.1 fix is just out)

I hope they hurry, since it's the main reason why I'm not using 10.1 full-time yet. And to replace my 1 year old cd-writer and (expensive) scanner just seems like a terrible waste...

I have the Apple installed 2930. It deep sleeps when running OS 9 but not when in OS X. any idea why this is?


Neill Massello replied on :

MikeT sendme@redacted.invalid wrote:

I have the Apple installed 2930. It deep sleeps when running OS 9 but not when in OS X. any idea why this is?

Because neither Apple nor Adaptec have released a driver that allows deep sleep in X. In case you hadn't noticed, OS X has rather poor backward compatibility with legacy hardware, especially SCSI.

Michael Hopkins replied on :

Complain! If enough of us do they`ll finally do something about it.


Jaco Schoonen wrote:

I don't believe that the 2906 is the only card affected & the impression I got from Adaptec was that they don't have any plans to deal with this issue in the near future.

I wouldn't get that excited. The 2906 has had this problem with OS9 and above.

My 2906 sleeps like a dream under OS9 with the 1.3 driver.

They'll get a fix out eventually, however annoying it is.... Just set it not to sleep, but to spin down the disks and HD. Every time a new G4 comes out Adaptec have this problem (the Quicksilver OS9.2.1 fix is just out)

I hope they hurry, since it's the main reason why I'm not using 10.1 full-time yet. And to replace my 1 year old cd-writer and (expensive) scanner just seems like a terrible waste...


 _/_/_/   _/_/_/   _/_/_/              ACS Consultancy 

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  `All models are wrong, but some are useful' - George Box
Steven Kan replied on :

Neill Massello wrote:

MikeT sendme@redacted.invalid wrote:

I have the Apple installed 2930. It deep sleeps when running OS 9 but not when in OS X. any idea why this is?

Because neither Apple nor Adaptec have released a driver that allows deep sleep in X. In case you hadn't noticed, OS X has rather poor backward compatibility with legacy hardware, especially SCSI. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

And how! I had a hard crash in 10.1 on my G4/450DP last night, followed by a complete failure to boot (kept getting a kernel panic). After disconnecting all the other periphs, I finally got it to boot by disconnecting all my SCSI devices.

I never had any problems with this hardware under OS 9. I had this problem in 10.0, but not 10.0.4, and now I have it again in 10.1. WTF? I thought the architecture was supposed to make the OS more stable and fault-tolerant, not less.

Now, the system is pickier about RAM, pickier about SCSI cables, and picky about SCSI in general. There's no way 10's going to be my OS until SCSI support is back. And I don't mean in the beta-fashion we've got it now.

On a side note, the crash really pissed me off, because I'm finally somewhat competitive in Quake3 now. 1.30 on 10.1 is nice and fast, and I was actually having a really good instagib game when the whole machine suddenly up and died. I guess those railguns do a lot more damage than they used to . . .