Called up UPS today to collect my old battery. They turns up, and hand over another new battery. Yes, Apple, in their infinite wisdom, has now sent me TWO batteries to replace the one 'dodgy' one.
Now I'm pondering, dare I hang on to this 'spare' one and keep quiet about their error, or be a fine unstanding citizen and send it back?
Decisions decisions... ;)
I wonder how long it'll take before they start chasing up non-returned 'dodgy' batteries. It's not as if they've indicated a time limit or anything.
Wayne Stuart me4@redacted.invalid wrote:
Called up UPS today to collect my old battery. They turns up, and hand over another new battery. Yes, Apple, in their infinite wisdom, has now sent me TWO batteries to replace the one 'dodgy' one.
Now I'm pondering, dare I hang on to this 'spare' one and keep quiet about their error, or be a fine unstanding citizen and send it back?
Keep it.
Morals? Me?
zoara me3@redacted.invalid wrote:
Wayne Stuart me4@redacted.invalid wrote:
Called up UPS today to collect my old battery. They turns up, and hand over another new battery. Yes, Apple, in their infinite wisdom, has now sent me TWO batteries to replace the one 'dodgy' one.
Now I'm pondering, dare I hang on to this 'spare' one and keep quiet about their error, or be a fine unstanding citizen and send it back?
Keep it.
Morals? Me?
Reminds me of the Register t-shirt I have - "Integrity - we've heard of it"
What can I say, I like it.