Computer won't stop SLEEPING!

It goes to sleep on its own about every thirty seconds.
Keeper of the Purple Twilight wrote on :
Okay, this is really starting to piss me off. I'm running OS X 10.4.3, and before today I've had no problems. But now the computer won't stop sleeping! It goes to sleep on its own about every thirty seconds. How can I stop it from doing this? Changing the system preferences doesn't seem to help...anyone else have this problem?
Art Gorski replied on :

In article 041120052149384158%no@redacted.invalid, Keeper of the Purple Twilight no@redacted.invalid wrote:

Okay, this is really starting to piss me off. I'm running OS X 10.4.3, and before today I've had no problems. But now the computer won't stop sleeping! It goes to sleep on its own about every thirty seconds. How can I stop it from doing this? Changing the system preferences doesn't seem to help...anyone else have this problem?

Nope, never seen that one.

You should try resetting your Power Manager. Google on 'power manager reset' and you'll see that every Mac laptop has different instructions.
On desktops, you can try to reset the parameter RAM.

Hold Cmd-Opt-P-R at startup until the you hear the startup bong sound at least twice (thrice wouldn't hurt) and then let go and let it startup.

A more drastic approach would be to reset non-volatile RAM in Open Firmware.

Hold Cmd-Opt-O-F at startup. At the command line it dumps you into, type (EXACTLY. This is dangerous territory!)


Hitting carriage returns after each. The second one will reboot your Mac.

catell68 replied on :

I had this same problem it started yesterday and wouldn't stop. On Powerbook G4 - Tiger 10.4.3 (I updated a couple of weeks ago) but couldn't keep my computer from sleeping..even while I worked... I just zapped the PRAM on the computer..I did it 5 times in a row...and hasn't slept since.

I hope this helps