Dead power supply in mirror door G4?

FW800 1GHz G4 won't boot following power cut in our computer room.
David Sankey wrote on :

FW800 1GHz G4 won't boot following power cut in our computer room...

Pressing the power button just lights the button whilst pressed, with nothing else appearing to happen.

Sounds to me like the power supply has gone, but for this model I don't know the pin out to check whether it's still alive.

Anyone care to hazard a guess as to my diagnosis and/or know the diagnostics?



D.M. Procida replied on :

David Sankey David.Sankey@redacted.invalid wrote:

FW800 1GHz G4 won't boot following power cut in our computer room...

The earlier G4s were very susceptible to this, maybe your model too. What you should do is open it up, and look for a tiny little reset button on the logic board. Pressing that may fix it.

If you can't find it, do a web search for the location of the CUDA button.


J. J. Lodder replied on :

David Sankey David.Sankey@redacted.invalid wrote:

FW800 1GHz G4 won't boot following power cut in our computer room...

Pressing the power button just lights the button whilst pressed, with nothing else appearing to happen.

Where there is light there is power.

Sounds to me like the power supply has gone, but for this model I don't know the pin out to check whether it's still alive.

Anyone care to hazard a guess as to my diagnosis and/or know the diagnostics?

Try if the HD will boot another Mac. Or connect it, using an enclosure or a USB bridge, and run Disk Utility on it (if it will spin) If repairs were necessary, try again,


Jon B replied on :

David Sankey David.Sankey@redacted.invalid wrote:

FW800 1GHz G4 won't boot following power cut in our computer room...

Pressing the power button just lights the button whilst pressed, with nothing else appearing to happen.

Sounds to me like the power supply has gone, but for this model I don't know the pin out to check whether it's still alive.

Anyone care to hazard a guess as to my diagnosis and/or know the diagnostics?

Quite often lights on whilst pressed turns out to be logic board, but I've got the PDF kicking around I can drop you the relevent pages if you drop me a direct email.

Eddie replied on :

David Sankey David.Sankey@redacted.invalid wrote:

FW800 1GHz G4 won't boot following power cut in our computer room...

Pressing the power button just lights the button whilst pressed, with nothing else appearing to happen.

Sounds to me like the power supply has gone, but for this model I don't know the pin out to check whether it's still alive.

Anyone care to hazard a guess as to my diagnosis and/or know the diagnostics?

Have a rummage round the mac support site. You should find the pinouts etc there. We had a similar problem with ours.

Replacement power supplies seem to be about �80.

Debbie Wilson replied on :

David Sankey David.Sankey@redacted.invalid wrote:

Anyone care to hazard a guess as to my diagnosis and/or know the diagnostics?

Sorry I don't know the answer, but if it turnd out to be the power supply, I have an old one in my loft that came out of my MDD G4 when they had the exchange program for noisy fans. It will make the machine sound like a Hoover running on your desk but just FWIW.... maybe a temporary solution if needed.


David Sankey replied on :

In article 1itucwe.yieb6q10tqq1sN%real-not-anti-spam-address@redacted.invalid, real-not-anti-spam-address@redacted.invalid (D.M. Procida) wrote:

David Sankey David.Sankey@redacted.invalid wrote:

FW800 1GHz G4 won't boot following power cut in our computer room...

The earlier G4s were very susceptible to this, maybe your model too. What you should do is open it up, and look for a tiny little reset button on the logic board. Pressing that may fix it.

If you can't find it, do a web search for the location of the CUDA button.


Thanks for that, you hit the nail on the head.

A suitable google for CUDA also found which would have answered my original question...

Kind regards,


David Sankey replied on :

In article 1itujnd.qt4kampnex0vN%djmaizels@redacted.invalid, djmaizels@redacted.invalid (Debbie Wilson) wrote:

David Sankey David.Sankey@redacted.invalid wrote:

Anyone care to hazard a guess as to my diagnosis and/or know the diagnostics?

Sorry I don't know the answer, but if it turnd out to be the power supply, I have an old one in my loft that came out of my MDD G4 when they had the exchange program for noisy fans. It will make the machine sound like a Hoover running on your desk but just FWIW.... maybe a temporary solution if needed.

Thanks for that, a colleague in the next office also has the same at home.

In any case it wasn't needed.

But given that the Mac is next to a 128 core rack noise isn't really an issue, unless that's what pushes us into compulsory ear defender territory... This time I had to remove it from the machine room because I couldn't hear what sort of noise it was making.

