Fwd: [9.2.2] Why gray screen sometimes on wake from sleep?

from time to time, waking the computer from sleep results in a blank gray screen, and no response from keyboard or mouse.
Eric P. wrote on :

Sorry, sent this to the wrong ng!

  • E

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Date: Sat, 24 Feb 2007 17:44:58 GMT Subject: [9.2.2] Why gray screen sometimes on wake from sleep? From: Eric P. ericpNOSPAM06@redacted.invalid Newsgroups: comp.sys.mac.apps


My G4 Sawtooth appears to be dying a slow death (I know that J21 has a problem, so I no longer use it), and so I experience occasional problems with it, most of which are memory-related. The latest anomaly I've noticed, that's just started happening recently, is that, from time to time, waking the computer from sleep results in a blank gray screen, and no response from keyboard or mouse. This forces me to restart the machine, which I do by pressing the small restart button on the tower's face (hate having to do that!).

Can anyone tell me what might be causing this behavior, and how I might troubleshoot and hopefully correct it? And please don't advise me to Google anything ;)

TIA, Eric

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