G5 wake from sleep, configd, cups?

Sometimes, it won't wake up from sleep. That is: iTunes plays (via a script), the eject key works but the display stays dark.
eur.van.andel wrote on :

Hi all

I have a nagging problem with my G5 (1.8 GHz single, 512 MB). Sometimes, it won't wake up from sleep. That is: iTunes plays (via a script), the eject key works but the display stays dark. After calling Apple a number of times to no avail (reset PRM, reset SMU) I finally found a mention of this problem on an Apple forum:


Since I set my G5 to "never sleep", I am able to log in via SSH and poke around when it refuses to wake up, which happened this morning again. Indeed, ps -aux shows configd in the "Us" state, but is very hard to kill. kill (pid) does not work kill -1 (pid) shuts down my SSH conection and after that, I can't reach the G5 anymore by SSH.

Some log snippets from console:

system.log: May 10 04:31:12 G5-fiwihex smbd: cupsd mach_msg error (ipc/rcv) timed out May 10 05:03:18 G5-fiwihex smbd: cupsd mach_msg error (ipc/rcv) timed out May 10 05:35:22 G5-fiwihex smbd: cupsd mach_msg error (ipc/rcv) timed out May 10 06:07:26 G5-fiwihex smbd: cupsd mach_msg error (ipc/rcv) timed out May 10 06:39:30 G5-fiwihex smbd: cupsd mach_msg error (ipc/rcv) timed out May 10 07:11:34 G5-fiwihex smbd: cupsd mach_msg error (ipc/rcv) timed out May 10 07:43:39 G5-fiwihex smbd: cupsd mach_msg error (ipc/rcv) timed out May 10 08:15:44 G5-fiwihex smbd: cupsd mach_msg error (ipc/rcv) timed out May 10 08:47:51 G5-fiwihex smbd: cupsd mach_msg error (ipc/rcv) timed out May 10 08:50:37 G5-fiwihex sshd[425]: error: setsockopt IP_TOS 16: Invalid argument: May 10 08:51:06 G5-fiwihex su: pam_authenticate: Authentication failure May 10 08:51:13 G5-fiwihex su: eur to root on /dev/ttyp1

cups/error.log: invalid destination port W [10/May/2005:06:07:26 +0200] emptyReceivePort: mach_msg send returns: (ipc/send) invalid destination port W [10/May/2005:06:39:30 +0200] emptyReceivePort: mach_msg send returns: (ipc/send) invalid destination port W [10/May/2005:07:11:34 +0200] emptyReceivePort: mach_msg send returns: (ipc/send) invalid destination port W [10/May/2005:07:43:39 +0200] emptyReceivePort: mach_msg send returns: (ipc/send) invalid destination port W [10/May/2005:08:15:44 +0200] emptyReceivePort: mach_msg send returns: (ipc/send) invalid destination port W [10/May/2005:08:47:51 +0200] emptyReceivePort: mach_msg send returns: (ipc/send) invalid destination port

It seems that the cups deamon is the culprit? Next time, I'll try killing that first.

How can I kill configd? What could cause configd to be in "uninterruptible wait"? How do I get configd to snap out of it?

I recently upgraded to Tiger, but that did not help :-( This G5 has this problem from the day I bought it.