On 2007-03-17 18:25:02 -0500, In2Ndo In2Ndo@redacted.invalid said:
I have setup a profile to run my back ups from. running OSX 10.4.9 backing up to external firewire using SuperDuper. I have the system scheduled to start up on sundays, SuperDuper to run and shot down the system. Is there a way to run some kind of script or script and hook so that profile and only that profile start up without running the start up items?.... I'm fairly new to Mac and have never worked with scripts and hooks.. but by what I've read so far it seems the way to go. but have no idea in where to start.. So if some one can give some directions or point in the right direction it will be greatly appreciated.
Just curious: what, exactly, are you wanting to prevent from starting up?
What problem are you trying to solve by preventing services from starting up?