Richard C lyndhurst25@redacted.invalid wrote:
My 3 year old G3 white iBook's battery seems to be on it's way out. It gets down to around 40% then suddenly goes dead. Assuming the battery is U/S, where's the best palce to get a replacement?
Any Apple retailer should be able to help you out, note the old clear plastic models have been discontinued so you have to get one with solid white if you want a new one. You may be able to pick up a clear one off eBay but it'll be getting on for at least 12-18months old now [1]. It is possible if you are careful to remove the out clear casing (its just stuck on) from the old battery, do the same on the new and refit the old cover to the new battery.
[1] They slowly phased out the clear covers, 700mhz CD and 900mhz combos had solid white covers. 800mhz combo's and 600mhz Cd or DVD models being the last with clears.