Here's an old clamshell ibook from my friend. It's stuck at 4 percent charge according to the display.
Runs ok as long as the ac adapter is plugged in, but powers-off as soon as it's unplugged.
Battery is new, about four months old. Up until a few weeks ago, had been charging.
I've gone through the published power management reset procedure a couple of times (power off, unplug ac adapter, remove battery, press pmu reset switch, plug in ac adapter, insert battery, power on). Obviously this also reseats the battery connector.
Still it doesn't charge. Light at power adapter socket glows orange while the system is on and plugged-in (green during part of bootup, as is normal).
OSX.3.7, but same behavior on 9.2.2 before upgrade to OS X.
I'd say there's a not-worth-fixing problem in the power management, but...
Any ideas to resurrect this machine?
In article jackspam-25B88B.22420722122004@redacted.invalid, Jack B jackspam@redacted.invalid wrote:
Here's an old clamshell ibook from my friend. It's stuck at 4 percent charge according to the display.
Runs ok as long as the ac adapter is plugged in, but powers-off as soon as it's unplugged.
Battery is new, about four months old. Up until a few weeks ago, had been charging.
I've gone through the published power management reset procedure a couple of times (power off, unplug ac adapter, remove battery, press pmu reset switch, plug in ac adapter, insert battery, power on). Obviously this also reseats the battery connector.
Still it doesn't charge. Light at power adapter socket glows orange while the system is on and plugged-in (green during part of bootup, as is normal).
IIRC, the power adapter socket has a simple circuit that switches it to orange when it's drawing maximum power, so the computer is at least trying to charge it. I'd guess the battery, despite being new, is bad.