In article 887e49d3.0404101044.8eafd2f@redacted.invalid, neal_65@redacted.invalid (neal) wrote:
Help-My teenager is staying up till 2am, is there a program that would act as a shutdown timer and turn the computer off automatically at 10:30 pm each night without my son being able to turn it back on until the next morning?
Such a thing could be achieved, but might I recommend behavior modification?
In article 887e49d3.0404101044.8eafd2f@redacted.invalid, neal_65@redacted.invalid (neal) wrote:
Help-My teenager is staying up till 2am, is there a program that would act as a shutdown timer and turn the computer off automatically at 10:30 pm each night without my son being able to turn it back on until the next morning?
Yes, I think the shutdown timer is called his father, who should be monitoring computer usage more closely if he wants his son to get a decent night's sleep.
Or move the computer to the living room/family room so he can't use it in his room.
Alternately, sign the kid up for Band. He'll have no time for computers at 2am with the normal load of schoolwork, homework, and band practice.
[this is a modification of the behavioral modification recommendation, but applied to the supposedly more responsible party]
In article 887e49d3.0404101044.8eafd2f@redacted.invalid, neal_65@redacted.invalid (neal) wrote:
Help-My teenager is staying up till 2am, is there a program that would act as a shutdown timer and turn the computer off automatically at 10:30 pm each night without my son being able to turn it back on until the next morning?
That's easy. Install a padlock on your breaker box. When you go to bed, turn off the main breaker, lock the box, and voila. You may also consider just turning all the breakers off in the house where he could move the iMac to in case you want the fridge, furnace, and alarm clock to work.
Another option is to create a login account (just one) that he does not have the password to - make sure there are no other user accounts on the machine. When you want him to go to sleep, log out. Of course, he'll probably install some software to monitor keystrokes.
You can also get another Mac to run OS X server. You can bind the iMac to login to the OS X server (using directory access and netinfo manager) and set his login times. This is the most expensive alternative, but the most robust. Figure 800 bucks for a new eMac to run the server software, and $500 or so for the server software.
You could also get up at midnight and yell at/beat him, depending on your parenting approach.
My kids are 6 months, 2 1/2 years, and 5 1/2 years old, so I have different issues to deal with. Sorry if I can't help out. Potty training, sharing, and cereal choice are pretty big issues for me now. Bedtime is fairly strict for the 5 and 2 year old. Any advice as to how to get the 6 month old to sleep in his crib when my wife and I want him to would be appreciated.
Jeff K
neal neal_65@redacted.invalid wrote:
Help-My teenager is staying up till 2am, is there a program that would act as a shutdown timer and turn the computer off automatically at 10:30 pm each night without my son being able to turn it back on until the next morning? I'm using an imac g3 600mgz OS 10.1.5
Do what my dad used to do with our television when I was a kid. When bed time rolled around, the TV was locked in a closet. Only my parents had the key. No more TV watching. That idea stopped my sister and I cold from watching TV after our parents went to sleep. No amount of shouting or arguing compelled my parents to reverse their decision. So I suggest you get a backbone and than find a closet that you can lock up at night.