In article kaldav-7BC8D7.12393325092004@redacted.invalid, K kaldav@redacted.invalid wrote:
Hello, Could anyone please tell me if there has been a discussion of problems with iMacs waking from sleep? This problem is occurring with an iMac G4 ?(circular stand model), system 10.2.6, probably 800 mhz, 256 ram, 40 gb hard drive. It is kept in Sleep mode, but on trying to wake it, approximately 1 of every 10 times, it either wakes to a Question Mark or a spinning beachball that keeps spinning. Any advice appreciated.
I can't make any suggestion other than updating your operating system. I had a variety of problems with my iBook and sleep -- long delay before sleep when I closed the case, and often not waking up properly. Symptoms varied with each new OS release, but now with 10.3.5 it seems to be fine.