Core 2 Duo iMac running 10.4.9
Recently there have been a few occasions when my iMac has not gone to sleep when it should. I have tried explicitly telling it to sleep via the Apple menu but it just ignores me. I tried logging out and telling it to sleep from the login screen but still no luck. I ended up rebooting to restore correct behaviour.
I suspect it may have something to do with USB. I recently started using my machine to recharge a mobile phone via USB. When I plug the phone in nothing mounts, so it seems like there is nothing to be done before unplugging it, but perhaps it is leaving the USB driver in a weird state? (I am not expecting it to sleep while the phone is actually plugged in).
Does anyone have any ideas for further investigation? I know very little about USB issues.
On 2007-06-22 19:47:19 -0500, Ian Gregory foo@redacted.invalid said:
Core 2 Duo iMac running 10.4.9
Recently there have been a few occasions when my iMac has not gone to sleep when it should. I have tried explicitly telling it to sleep via the Apple menu but it just ignores me. I tried logging out and telling it to sleep from the login screen but still no luck. I ended up rebooting to restore correct behaviour.
I suspect it may have something to do with USB. I recently started using my machine to recharge a mobile phone via USB. When I plug the phone in nothing mounts, so it seems like there is nothing to be done before unplugging it, but perhaps it is leaving the USB driver in a weird state? (I am not expecting it to sleep while the phone is actually plugged in).
Does anyone have any ideas for further investigation? I know very little about USB issues.
I would definitely have a look for anything suspicious in your console and system logs.
Viewing System and Console Logs
Open /Applications/Utilities/Console.
From the Console menu bar, select File > View System Log and File > View Console Log. The system log will usually give you an indication as to what is causing startup issues. The console log can show issues you experience after you are logged into your user account.
If a particular application is crashing, you may find a crash log in /Users/you/Library/Logs/CrashReporter/ for that application.
Feel free to send the logs to jolly roger at pobox dot com if you need help understanding them. I'll be glad to take a look and tell you what I see.\