Is Sleep a Virus?

Personally, I have disabled it because of recurring Kernal Panics requiring restarts.
clw wrote on :

There are more and more posts on Apple and Mac support sites reporting problems with the sleep mode. Personally, I have disabled it because of recurring Kernal Panics requiring restarts.

Is this something that Apple needs to repair or remove? Is Apple aware of these problems? I will not use sleep again until Tiger appears.
Hope it finally works correctly then.

applebeer replied on :

In article never-D527E3.17174707112004@redacted.invalid, clw never@redacted.invalid wrote:

There are more and more posts on Apple and Mac support sites reporting problems with the sleep mode. Personally, I have disabled it because of

recurring Kernal Panics requiring restarts.

Is this something that Apple needs to repair or remove? Is Apple aware of these problems? I will not use sleep again until Tiger appears.
Hope it finally works correctly then.

repair permissions. And don't post here anymore, because problems with OS X are off topic. This group is only for trouble-free installations of Mac OS X and discussion about how perfect it is.

I'm being sarcastic of course. Sure Apple know sleep is completely screwed up on many machines (particularly G5s), they don't give a shit and are perpetuating a culture that it is your problem and your problem alone through their umpteen sock puppets in this group and elsewhere. There are a whole series of problems they haven't been able to address and don't give a shit about. The reason they don't give a shit is because they don't write half of what goes into OS X and don't even know how it works. Apple stopped making it's operating system some time ago it is now done by proxy. There isn't even anyone at Apple anymore that knows how to write the low level mechanics of an OS. All they do is write a few bits of script to put it together..or not, oh and stick and Apple logo on it to make you think they invented it.

You might think the new features in Tiger are something special and unique but it will probably come out in time that CoreImage is actually really something called 'Open Image', Spotlight is actually a front end to something called 'Open Search' and Automator is just one giant apple script.

It's sad really. There is argument that OS X should be free, because you are just paying for Quartz and the Finder. Everything else is free. In fact going on updates recent run of updates which break people's machines they should be paying us to install it.

Jerry Kindall replied on :

In article 3LDZFPR138299.0638078704@redacted.invalid, applebeer applefun@redacted.invalid wrote:

In article never-D527E3.17174707112004@redacted.invalid, clw never@redacted.invalid wrote:

There are more and more posts on Apple and Mac support sites reporting problems with the sleep mode. Personally, I have disabled it because of

recurring Kernal Panics requiring restarts.

Is this something that Apple needs to repair or remove? Is Apple aware of these problems? I will not use sleep again until Tiger appears.
Hope it finally works correctly then.

I'm being sarcastic of course. Sure Apple know sleep is completely screwed up on many machines (particularly G5s), they don't give a shit and are perpetuating a culture that it is your problem and your problem alone through their umpteen sock puppets in this group and elsewhere. There are a whole series of problems they haven't been able to address and don't give a shit about. The reason they don't give a shit is because they don't write half of what goes into OS X and don't even know how it works. Apple stopped making it's operating system some time ago it is now done by proxy. There isn't even anyone at Apple anymore that knows how to write the low level mechanics of an OS. All they do is write a few bits of script to put it together..or not, oh and stick and Apple logo on it to make you think they invented it.

You might think the new features in Tiger are something special and unique but it will probably come out in time that CoreImage is actually really something called 'Open Image', Spotlight is actually a front end to something called 'Open Search' and Automator is just one giant apple script.

It's sad really. There is argument that OS X should be free, because you are just paying for Quartz and the Finder. Everything else is free.

Here, have a nice delicious cup of steaming fresh shit. Given the quantity of said substance you just spewed all over the newsgroup, I reckon you must be at least a quart low. Drink up!

George Williams replied on :

applebeer wrote:

I'm being sarcastic of course. Sure Apple know sleep is completely screwed up on many machines (particularly G5s), they don't give a shit and are perpetuating a culture that it is your problem and your problem alone through their umpteen sock puppets in this group and elsewhere.

Maybe it's a secret plot of some kind. Your machines won't sleep properly, so you leave them on all the time (as Apple recommends), hence wearing them out faster and requiring you to buy new ones more frequently ;-)

Of course, there's always XP, or if you can wait 'til 2007, there's Longhorn, which will be a bizarre malformed clone of Jaguar (sans search engine, of course ;-)

Simon Slavin replied on :

On 07/11/2004, clw wrote in message <never- D527E3.17174707112004@redacted.invalid>:

There are more and more posts on Apple and Mac support sites reporting problems with the sleep mode.

I haven't noticed any. And we have 200 Macs of various models at work.

Personally, I have disabled it because of recurring Kernal Panics requiring restarts.

Kernal Panics represent faulty hardware or a corrupt installation of OS X. Boot from a System CD. If you still get Kernal Panics your computer needs repair. If you don't, resinstall the OS.


Btree Error replied on :

Begin Anal Retentive Rant:


recurring Kernal Panics requiring restarts. KernEl Panic!!!

another -snip-

Kernal Panics represent faulty hardware or a corrupt installation KernEl Panic!!!

and another -snip-

If you still get Kernal Panics KernEl Panic!!!

Anal Retentive rant ended