I was looking for a new battery for my TiBook 667, which is approaching 2 years old. Mine was getting a little weak - run time is now under 2 hours. The ever popular ioreg utility puts its capacity at about 1770.
I saw that Newertech was advertising higher capacity PBG4 batteries than Apple's - 65 wHr vs 61 wHr. So I bought one.
Big mistake. It doesn't fit in the battery bay perfectly. It sticks out from the bottom a little, and doesn't make good contact. The TiBook shut down when I picked it up. The original TiBook used to do this, but that was fixed in my version. It has never done this with old Apple battery.
So I bought a real Apple battery from the Applestore. Fits perfectly (of course). I checked ioreg, and it is also higher capaacity than the newertech battery - about 4300 vs. 3600 for the newertech.
Based on my sample size of 1, I would avoid the newertech battery and stick with Apple.
In article mark-D26ABA.22571816122003@redacted.invalid, Mark Heiple mark@redacted.invalid wrote:
I was looking for a new battery for my TiBook 667, which is approaching 2 years old. Mine was getting a little weak - run time is now under 2 hours. The ever popular ioreg utility puts its capacity at about 1770.
I saw that Newertech was advertising higher capacity PBG4 batteries than Apple's - 65 wHr vs 61 wHr. So I bought one.
Big mistake. It doesn't fit in the battery bay perfectly. It sticks out from the bottom a little, and doesn't make good contact. The TiBook shut down when I picked it up. The original TiBook used to do this, but that was fixed in my version. It has never done this with old Apple battery.
So I bought a real Apple battery from the Applestore. Fits perfectly (of course). I checked ioreg, and it is also higher capaacity than the newertech battery - about 4300 vs. 3600 for the newertech.
Based on my sample size of 1, I would avoid the newertech battery and stick with Apple.
I got a NewerTech battery for my Pismo and had a simular problem. It would fit in one bay perfectly, but not the other one, then one day I must have jiggled it just right and it slid into that bay like it should and has fit just fine ever since.