ElKeyboard wrote on :
Hello. My PB520c says the battery is charging, then later gives me the full
battery symbol in the toolbar. However, as soon as I pull the AC cable, the
unit displays the reserve power warning and the computer turns off. Is the
battery dead? Is my AC adapter faulty? Why does the display read battery
BrianLewin A.R.W. Edwards replied on :
Hello. My PB520c says the battery is charging, then later gives me the full battery symbol in the toolbar. However, as soon as I pull the AC cable, the
This usually indicates a shorted cell in the battery. In the case of the Blackbird, however, you may be running into problems with corrupt battery EEPROM data. The Lind battery control strip (68040 PB5xx series only - won't work with PPC card) can reset some of this info, it's worth a try.
I described how to hack the Lind Control Strip to reset all battery date a while ago [95? 96? :)], search google for "lewin powerbook lind resedit" and you should find it.