I need someone with a Pismo Powerbook to do me a great big favor. Above the keyboard there are tabs about the 1 and 0 keys. Push them down and roll out the keyboard. Under the keyboard is the PRAM battery. On the battery connector, please see what color lead is on the right (closest to the battery).
If you are old and slow like me, this should take 15 seconds.
I put a new PRAM battery in and it doesn't seem to be charging. I want to determine if I put the connector back correctly.
Robert Boucher boucher1@redacted.invalid wrote:
On the battery connector, please see what color lead is on the right (closest to the battery).
from left: red - white - black
In article 3FFEBC0B.53@redacted.invalid, Robert Boucher boucher1@redacted.invalid wrote:
I need someone with a Pismo Powerbook to do me a great big favor. Above the keyboard there are tabs about the 1 and 0 keys. Push them down and roll out the keyboard. Under the keyboard is the PRAM battery. On the battery connector, please see what color lead is on the right (closest to the battery).
If you are old and slow like me, this should take 15 seconds.
I put a new PRAM battery in and it doesn't seem to be charging. I want to determine if I put the connector back correctly.
Just did that to measure whether the battery is still ok: As far as I remember you cannot put it in the wrong way, its mechanically keyed. But plugging the PB in for a while (charging) can revive the battery (PRAM)