Powerbook G4 battery

The battery indicator never reads 100% but usually indicates anything between 96-99%. Even when fully charged.
Jonathan Johnson wrote on :


The battery indicator never reads 100% but usually indicates anything between 96-99%. Even when fully charged.

Stuffed if I know.

Steve replied on :

On Mon, 17 May 2004 18:15:44 -0700, Jonathan Johnson wrote (in message BCCFA0E0.58F%jakson@redacted.invalid):


The battery indicator never reads 100% but usually indicates anything between 96-99%. Even when fully charged.

Stuffed if I know.

Also typical of my experience.


Hidenori HoRi replied on :

On Tue, 18 May 2004 11:15:44 +1000, Jonathan Johnson jakson@redacted.invalid wrote:


The battery indicator never reads 100% but usually indicates anything between 96-99%. Even when fully charged.

Stuffed if I know.

try to use your battery around 5% left and then charge it. i think you need to calibration.


51m0n replied on :

Or, you should try to bring your barrery down to 0% (really 0, until screen turns dark and you're not able to bring it back by using the mouse and a key) and then fully recharge.

Could work, too...

Good luck!


Hidenori HoRi wrote:

On Tue, 18 May 2004 11:15:44 +1000, Jonathan Johnson jakson@redacted.invalid wrote:


The battery indicator never reads 100% but usually indicates anything between 96-99%. Even when fully charged.

Stuffed if I know.

try to use your battery around 5% left and then charge it. i think you need to calibration.
