Replacing Battery in G3 iMac DV

How easy (or difficult) is it to replace the battery in a G3 iMac DV?
Jacob Strieck wrote on :

The date and time on my mom's iMac resets after it is unplugged, so I assume the battery needs to be replaced. The support section at says that this should be done by an Apple tech, but I've read in a number of places that this is a user replaceable part. So that leads me to these questions:

How easy (or difficult) is it to replace the battery in a G3 iMac DV? If it is simple or only moderately difficult I'll do it myself. What kind of battery do I need to buy? Can someone give me or direct me to a set of step by step instructions?



Andy Hewitt replied on :

Jacob Strieck strieck@redacted.invalid wrote:

The date and time on my mom's iMac resets after it is unplugged, so I assume the battery needs to be replaced. The support section at says that this should be done by an Apple tech, but I've read in a number of places that this is a user replaceable part. So that leads me to these questions:

How easy (or difficult) is it to replace the battery in a G3 iMac DV? If it is simple or only moderately difficult I'll do it myself. What kind of battery do I need to buy? Can someone give me or direct me to a set of step by step instructions?

You need one of these: ldID=&doy=31m10

(a Maxell ER3S)

I personally found fitting them to be easy enough, even with my banana fingers.

You can access the battery through the memory access cover under the iMac. You may find it easier to remove the RAM modules first. I then used a long pick to loosen the battery from the holder, from there you can lift it out with lonk nosed pliers or tweezers.

If you find that too hard, then you can unscrew the bottom casing, and the RF shielding, which takes about 5 minutes longer. If you do that, you could also upgrade the hard drive in another 2 minutes should you so wish.
