Resetting the PMU on my Powerbook G4 Titanium 800mhz

i want to know how to Reset the PMU on my Powerbook G4 Titanium 800mhz
unamerican wrote on :

i want to know how to Reset the PMU on my Powerbook G4 Titanium 800mhz

I looked at the instructions on the apple site Resetting PowerBook and iBook Power Management Unit (PMU)

but my mac isnt listed,, its not on the list of older models either

any help appreciated.

Mike Rosenberg replied on :

unamerican sammac1967@redacted.invalid wrote:

i want to know how to Reset the PMU on my Powerbook G4 Titanium 800mhz

I looked at the instructions on the apple site Resetting PowerBook and iBook Power Management Unit (PMU)

but my mac isnt listed,, its not on the list of older models either

It's right there under PowerBook G4 (DVI).

unamerican replied on :

On Apr 23, 1:19 pm, mikeP...@redacted.invalid (Mike Rosenberg) wrote:

unamerican sammac1...@redacted.invalid wrote:

i want to know how to Reset the PMU on my Powerbook G4 Titanium 800mhz

I looked at the instructions on the apple site Resetting PowerBook and iBook Power Management Unit (PMU)

but my mac isnt listed,, its not on the list of older models either

It's right there under PowerBook G4 (DVI).

thanks , i searched the apple website and google and i couldnt find where it said my g4 titanium was a DVI.

Mike Rosenberg replied on :

unamerican sammac1967@redacted.invalid wrote:

It's right there under PowerBook G4 (DVI).

thanks , i searched the apple website and google and i couldnt find where it said my g4 titanium was a DVI.

In the Support area, in Specifications, yours is the only one listed at 800 MHz.