I have a new g4 iBook-- 12-inch, 800MHz, running 10.3.2 with all current updates applied.
Sometimes when it's put to sleep, it doesn't wake up. It's always put
to sleep by closing it. When the wake problem happens, opening it
causes the pulsing sleep light to go out, but the screen stays dark.
It's completely unresponsive at that point aside from the fact that it
can be forced to reboot.
I'm going to take this up with Apple, but I wondered if anyone else had seen a similar problem and what they might have done about it.
I've tried resetting the power manager and zapping the PRAM. Other details that might be relevant: So far this has only happened while the iBook is plugged in. The battery has been at or near 100% charge. When "out" like this, it's not visible to the local network, so it's not like it's just that the screen has stayed dark.
In article tph-3A0DFB.13494531122003@redacted.invalid, Tom Harrington tph@redacted.invalid wrote:
I have a new g4 iBook-- 12-inch, 800MHz, running 10.3.2 with all current updates applied.
Sometimes when it's put to sleep, it doesn't wake up. It's always put to sleep by closing it. When the wake problem happens, opening it causes the pulsing sleep light to go out, but the screen stays dark.
It's completely unresponsive at that point aside from the fact that it can be forced to reboot.I'm going to take this up with Apple, but I wondered if anyone else had seen a similar problem and what they might have done about it.
I've tried resetting the power manager and zapping the PRAM. Other details that might be relevant: So far this has only happened while the iBook is plugged in. The battery has been at or near 100% charge. When "out" like this, it's not visible to the local network, so it's not like it's just that the screen has stayed dark.
I have had the same problem with my 900MHz G3 iBook from Day One. It has occured both battery and plugged in, but only once in a while. I realized that actually it was "on" (although comatose) because if you listen very closely it actually makes a turn off sound before the forced reboot noise.
Tom Harrington tph@redacted.invalid wrote:
I have a new g4 iBook-- 12-inch, 800MHz, running 10.3.2 with all current updates applied.
Sometimes when it's put to sleep, it doesn't wake up. It's always put to sleep by closing it. When the wake problem happens, opening it causes the pulsing sleep light to go out, but the screen stays dark. It's completely unresponsive at that point aside from the fact that it can be forced to reboot.
I'm going to take this up with Apple, but I wondered if anyone else had seen a similar problem and what they might have done about it.
I've tried resetting the power manager and zapping the PRAM. Other details that might be relevant: So far this has only happened while the iBook is plugged in. The battery has been at or near 100% charge. When "out" like this, it's not visible to the local network, so it's not like it's just that the screen has stayed dark.
Two things to try:
create a new account, shut down the computer, and restart, logging into the new account. Don't install any software but go ahead and reconfigure the network. Use it for a while - sleep - wakeup etc.
If it doesn't crash while waking up you can be fairly certain that you have installed a utiliity the computer doesn't like or perhaps a preference file or cache has become munged.
If crashing continues and you have installed a memory upgrade, remove the memory and see if the problem continues.
Oops - a third thing. When it crashes, do you have any usb devices plugged in? Try removing them if so
In article 1g6w03i.3cj554bpea7pN%nospamsam.3.gkar@redacted.invalid, nospamsam.3.gkar@redacted.invalid (No SPAM Sam) wrote:
Two things to try:
create a new account, shut down the computer, and restart, logging into the new account. Don't install any software but go ahead and reconfigure the network. Use it for a while - sleep - wakeup etc.
If it doesn't crash while waking up you can be fairly certain that you have installed a utiliity the computer doesn't like or perhaps a preference file or cache has become munged.
If crashing continues and you have installed a memory upgrade, remove the memory and see if the problem continues.
Oops - a third thing. When it crashes, do you have any usb devices plugged in? Try removing them if so
Hardware-wise, the iBook is still exactly as it came from the factory, with nothing additional added. So that rules out #2 and #3. But I'll see if I can give #1 a try. However since it doesn't always happen, it may be hard to tell the difference.
In article iespamf-C30072.15362431122003@redacted.invalid, Irene Friedman iespamf@redacted.invalid wrote:
I have had the same problem with my 900MHz G3 iBook from Day One. It has occured both battery and plugged in, but only once in a while. I realized that actually it was "on" (although comatose) because if you listen very closely it actually makes a turn off sound before the forced reboot noise.
And you have just put up with it? If I can't get this resolved soon, I'm going to be trying to exchange this iBook for one that sleeps correctly.