Vincent Montressor wrote on :
At my local Apple store, I bought a replacement AC adapter for my late-2001 white G3 iBook. The replacement AC adapter is a third-party item (made by Micro Accessories) marked as being for a G4 PowerBook, but the salesguy assured me it would work fine in my iBook. Now that I've looked at the specs, I have a (probably pathetically dumb) question about the amperage rating.
The specs on the box say "Output: 20.0-25.5V DC, 60 Watt." The adapter itself says "Output: 20.0-25.5V ... 2.6-2.05A."
But the underside of my iBook says "Rated 24V DC 1.875A max."
So should I be concerned about the 1.875A vs. 2.xA thing, or will the iBook draw only what it needs?