In OS 10.4.11, I used this simple script to sleep the computer:
tell application "Finder" to sleep
In OS 10.5.5, this script has a long delay before the computer sleeps. Is there a better way to script sleep?
I tell it application "System Events". also run 10.5.5 and have no delay.
I use this:
--pmset changes and reads power management settings such as idle sleep timing wake on administrative access automatic restart on power loss, etc.
set current_mode to do shell script "pmset -g | grep mode" --look for current hibernate mode
if current_mode contains "3" then set the current_name to "sleep" if current_mode contains "1" then set the current_name to "safe sleep"
display dialog "I'm in " & current_name & " mode. Set new mode!" buttons {"sleep", "safe sleep", "cancel"} default button 3 set new_name to button returned of result
if new_name is "sleep" then set new_mode to "3" if new_name is "safe sleep" then set new_mode to "1"
do shell script "pmset -a hibernatemode " & new_mode with administrator privileges
display dialog "Go to " & new_name & " now?" buttons {"yes", "no"} default button 2 if button returned of result is "yes" then tell application "System Events" to sleep
Jackie Jones schrieb:
In OS 10.4.11, I used this simple script to sleep the computer:
tell application "Finder" to sleep
In OS 10.5.5, this script has a long delay before the computer sleeps. Is there a better way to script sleep?