Sleep Centre
Airport Connection Yo-Yo (i.e. up/down)
Auto-reconnect to network after sleep?
can't restart or shut down
CPU too hot
Crash on waking from sleep
Display not going to sleep while Final Cut Express is rendering
Dual 1.25 GHz Start Up Chime, Powers Up, then nothing
dual 2.0 G5 fans always on
eject button at start up
Fan activity with Leopard
find active processes in sleep mode
Freako wake-up
G4 power-up
G5 Roars Out of Control
Get rid of battery icon on iMac?
iBook sleep problems
iMac kernel panics & keeps going to sleep
iMac won't stay asleep.
Kernel Panic Sleep after update 10.4.3 (Sawtooth, G4 400 mhz)
MacG5 dies instead of sleeps
Matias keyboard and wake/sleep
Monitor slowly goes to sleep while I'm using computer?
perl scripts and sleep
Powerbook G4 not waking up
Problem: when my computer turns off to sleep . . .
RE: iBook G4 1Ghz - Charging Issue
"shutdown" does "restart"
Sleep issues on 10.4.x, but not on 10.3.9
Sleep Mode on PowerBook G4
Sleep weirdness
Tiger and fan-cooled G5
Unwanted automatic shutdown when moved
USB devices won't wake up
Wake from sleep audio problem
What's the usual charge time 0->100% for a Lombard ?