Sleep Centre
Advice needed;Sleep? or Shutdown?
Beige G3 start's up on own
Can't shutdown. Won't shutdown.
Cannot shutdown MacPro follow-up
Does G5 Have Automatic Shutdown to Prevent Overheating?
eMac forced shutdown problem
Energy Saver setting grayed out?
Failure to shutdown in OSX
G4 shutdown problem
G4 shutdown/ restart problem
G4 with Tiger won't stay turned off !
Getting a script to run at shutdown
Help - random shutdown
high room temperature for extended periods
How do you change shutdown/restart timer
ibook won't shutdown
iMac G5 powers down unexpectedley
Imac shutdown
Info. Cannot shutdown MacPro
Is there something that will quit it all at shutdown?
kernel panics on shutdown -- 10.4.1
keys to instantly turn off a PowerMac 6500 witthout the normal shutdown
Lacie external HD not sleeping after automatic shutdown
Lost ability to soft shutdown/restart
mac asks to shutdown after being idle for a while
Macbook random shutdown (RSD)
Macbook shutdown woes
My PB has a 64500Ah battery!
no shutdown info
No shutdown query
non-server Tiger and remote or scheduled reboot?
Other ways to turn off a 6500 than special ->shut down?
Overnight shutdown?
Panther Startup/Shutdown Schedule
PB: To shutdown or not to shutdown?
Please help....Mac won't ShutDown and other problems
powerbook 3400 freeze at shutdown problem
Remote shutdown
Scheduled shutdown
"shutdown" does "restart"
Syst Prefs->Energy Saver->Schedule - won't stick
Unwanted automatic shutdown when moved
UPS recommendations wanted
What's reasonable shutdown time for TiBook?
When running out of juice, powerbook does hard shutdown
Won't run on battery?