Sleep Centre
AC Power On with desktop mac to sleep
Any flash music player using direct USB & AA batt?
Apple vs. Third Party Batteries for Dual USB ibook
Bus power capacity?
Do "modern" powerbooks have ability to do a full power-on from software?
Does using a USB flash drive help battery life?
Failure to shutdown in OSX
G3 beige "power on"
G5 and Belkin battery backup ... trouble?
Ibook LCD sreen is dim.
ibook won't shutdown
iMac g5 Sleep and firewire problem
ipod charging problem
iPod nano - USB charging and mounting as flash drive on WinXP
iPod showing wall charger picture
ipod shuffle charging problem...maybe
iPod USB Charger Voltage
is it possible to boost USB Bus Power in Keyboard?
low power warning
Mac Mini PPC will not sleep
Mac Mini wakes up
[PB G4/667 GigabitEN] Logitech cordless mouse disconnects after sleep
PCI USB 2.0 IOGear card & Sleep issues
Pismo random power problems...
Power Drains from USB 2.0 Port, Powerbook G4
Powering up OS X?
Programmer-ish question on USB Device (Energizer UPS)
putting new iMac to sleep disables USB keyboard
Sleep issues on 10.4.x, but not on 10.3.9
Someway to *not* wake up OS X?
Turn Off USB Power!?!?
USB and FW Ports during Deep Sleep
USB devices won't wake up
USB hosed after sleep - sometimes
USB hub powered by FireWire port?
USB mouse wake from sleep
USB power limit on MBP
USB powered devices
Wake up promlem with Jaguar & MacG4?
Waking up a powerbook with a mouse click
White iBook charge problem(UK)